"Pyramid Mystery Temple Reunion" NFTs 10,000k Collection
Experience the highest adventure of giving and empowering humanity and beyond with the first MOLIAE NFTs launch.

PUBLIC SALE from 0.0045 ETH
Get yours to enter into the contest
Each PMTR NFT bought has a serial # & your wallet address with 100 possible winners to receive first selections of the planned Lions Legends 3d NFT collection release!
“Pyramid Mystery Temple Reunion” for special early adopters to the collection each mint will be eligible to automatically enter drawings and first dibs to the secondary collection schedule tba of the “Lions Legends 3D Collection of MOLIAE” for the potential vote by Pyramid Mystery Temple Reunion Leaders of whom will be the MOLIAE Warrior task to find their missing Spector Royal HUJTA Gold Swords. Will you own the one?


10,000 NFTs of Pixel Pyramids

Ethereum Blockchain

Mint Launch TBA

There are 9 traits with symbolism astrology, mathematics pixels, and serial numbers catalogs

There are 24 main leaders, that 10 of them are marjority deciders of super powers of the Cosmos.

Male, Female energy pyramids as well as Animal pyramids thought energy pyramids entitles.

10,000 NFTs of Pixel Pyramids

Ethereum Blockchain

Mint Launch TBA

Symbols, colors, type of period entity gives owner unique numerology & astrology reveal & some with a surfboard as a supernatural carrying case, star-travel. Ten of the 24 HUJTA Swords are sacred marked with crystal stones not found anywhere in the many galaxies.

The Pyramid Mystery Temple Reunion each have Serial numbers that are tagged on every NFT set on the top right in sets of 10s catalog that is tied to 10 planets including the Moon & Sun. The serial numbers are key to provide a horoscope reveal to owners.

There are 24 MAIN HUJTA Swords, 500 Spector Swords, 2500 North Star Swords, 3500 Valsu Swords, 476 Calum Swords, and 3000 Lariti Swords and all of 10k classmates have a sword just not all have a surfboard as some Pyramids are all thought mind energy travel by cosmos.
In search of something better and rewarding, we introducing the forthcoming MOLIAE Token tba schedule for release as we all await the MINT date launch for the first NFTs of MOLIAE and the pre-sale “Pyramid Mystery Temple Reunion” * The MOLIAE Token will be able to use towards purchases of MOLIAE MERCH and other services.
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PUBLIC SALE from 0.0045 ETh
“Pyramid Mystery Temple Reunion” for special early adopters to the collection each mint will be eligible to automatically enter drawings and first dibs to the secondary collection schedule tba of the “Lions Legends Collection of MOLIAE” for the potential vote by Pyramid Mystery Temple Reunion Leaders of whom will be the MOLIAE Warrior task to find their missing Spector Royal HUJTA Gold Swords.

FREE Certificate of Ownership
to all holders of one of the Pyramids NFT Collection along with that #NFT missing Royal Sword.

VIP Exclusive Access
to all holders to events and 500 lucky holders to be drawn into the MOLIAE GOLD VIP Club with extra FREE perks.

Access to MOLIAE Marketplace
of up to 20% off MERCH of products, future NFTs (The Lions) of the love of EGYPT & beyond.

Exclusive Discord Channel
for only Private Members in the MOLIAE Dev Team and be apart of the future design creative plans.

MOLIAE Membership Card
Serial #’s on MOLIAE Membership Card for all Owners with symbol Ancient Egypt of the PMTR Collection

Phase 1
Community Growth, giveaways, games and rewards. Spread the word about the PMTR (Pyramids Mystery Temple Reunion) and get 10% Rewards from each mint within certain pyramids family.
Phase 2
Pre-Sale, with max 4 per wallet. Special early adopters price at Sol / Ethereum. If you would like to mint more can participate in the public mint.
Phase 3
Public Minting. Max 5 PMTR per wallet and max 5 per transaction. Public Minting at tba. PMTR adopted total of 10 airdropped to 5 random early adopters (tba Eth each one). 5 PMT airdrop to 5 random early adopters. 10 Eth airdropped to 5 random early adopters (tba Eth each). 5 PMTR airdropped to 5 random early adopters.
Phase 4
PMTR Listing on a Marketplace. Listing on one the Sol/Eth marketplaces. The marketplace opening to celebrate the launching of PMTR Marketplaces. Trade your PMTR at PMTR Marketplace with more benefits. Protect the floor Weekly buybacks to raise the floor price consistently keeping a floor price stable and growing is our priority various incentives will be implemented to protect and stimulate the growth of the floor price.
Phase 5
The Lions 3D Collection release. Dispatched from the PMTR Leadership to assist in the discover of the mystery Higher Spiritual Items to align with what will be given to King Mahlon in future generations and gifted to Princess Aamina. The 3d collection will bringing in a new experience and utility to the holders with more prizes and fun to the community as the storyline of PMTR emerges into the timeline of the Podcast Show “Nichel Anderson: Short Stories And Beyond” of King Mahlon and his family.
Phase 5 (a)
PMTR Launch Pad of the PMTR holders get priority access to new high potential NFT projects ( as the forthcoming additional Special Ops team will be dispatch from the Lions Collection to another fellow Animal Intellect Species) and holders will receive airdrops and get whitelisted easily as VIP GOLD MOLIAE NFTs Holders.
Phase 5 (b)
Regular LIVE MEET UP to discuss with community the updates on The MOLIAE Token and MOLIAE NFTS as the right investment. Meeting the up with the team of artists, project development and management team.
Timeline Pyramid Rule of Luank Sars during Voluptua
In the beginning of Pyramid Rule, the timeline is Equinox Voluptua when 7 moons intersect with the lLION star constellation before the genealogy of KINGS RULE on Tiamat aka EARTH.
Pyramid Mystery Temple Reunion #NFTs Collection were seeking & if so was it one of the main sword(s) found to be given to the genealogy of King Mahlon? Or another Sword that whomever was voted (The MOLIAE Warrior) to find them did or did not? Who took the swords of HUJTA?
If one of the 10,000k classmates are apart of the disappearance of the special Spector HUJTA Swords being missing – of which there will be” Serial Numbers class-catalog labeled” on each of the 10,000k NFTs MOLIAE collection then was it only one of them or more…?
Will you be the one that holds “the one NFTs” classmate that was responsible for the missing prestigious and powerful elite HUJTA Swords? – upon your selection to buy one of the MOLIAE First NFTs Collection. Mint date tba! Arsa!
What will be the Pyramid Mystery Temple Reunion also have children, while they are debating and taking a vote for whom will be the MOLIAE Warrior two pyramid boys watched afar. Teune mentions to Velin ‘they are going to debate all day, I want to play”. Velin agreed, lets go!”
Velin suggested “We should go find out in the Temple of Knowing to read “Pyra Moments of Destines” They went to the temple as thought final vote wasnt written yet but saw The Messenger was enroute an predicted outcome, excited both read who will be the MOLIAE Warrior.
They both said “Wawu, it will be of the Lions Legends!” just then Velin points to the see thru wall panel & and saw The Messenger Pyramid with 2 Nodes Energy go thru the Portal to the LionsGate realm. They watched in awe. View full video here https://youtu.be/ngciRxAUCPw
PUBLIC SALE from 0.0045 ETH
Get yours to automatically enter into drawing contest
Each PMTR NFT bought has a serial # & your wallet address with 100 possible winners to receive first selections of the planned Lions Legends 3d NFT collection release!
“Pyramid Mystery Temple Reunion” for special early adopters to the collection each mint will be eligible to automatically enter drawings and first dibs to the secondary collection schedule tba of the “Lions Legends Collection of MOLIAE” for the potential vote by Pyramid Mystery Temple Reunion Leaders of whom will be the MOLIAE Warrior task to find their missing Spector Royal HUJTA Gold Swords.

You are exclusive and desire to have something more than the ordinary with connections of Ancient Egypt to the Cosmos of astrology, symbolizm, pixel pyramids numerology as well knowledge beyond the means that enhance your evolution with purpose, introducing the Pyramid Mystery Temple Reunion Utility and more. MINT LAUNCH DATE TBA.
Ancient Egypt and beyond of the knowledge, culture and moments during a time of much advancement and adventure that reveals many characters, and stories of families, relationships with true love (Moments of Love In Ancient Egypt – MOLIAE) as well as relations to other galaxies all within the premise of choices matter that creates our journey of experience. In region of everything under MOLIAE to the Atlantis series the MOLIAE World was created.
Answer – It is set to be released worldwide either later in 2022 or 2023.
as of now the Lion Bounty Warrior #1 will be an introduction to the soon thereafter collection of rarities with a set launch date into late 2022 or 2023 by the end of second quarter.
There will be mint capability and airdrop forthcoming to officially launching the collections.
The focus on education relating to reading, comprehension, mathematics, architecture and food harvest as well as the environment as those of the Ancients of Egypt (Mitsrayim).
TBA. Stay tune.
Yes! Stay tune for details and giveaways.
Our plan is to connect with fellow art collectors with honing on resources for those that love Ancient Egypt history, mission, and purpose to contribute to the advancement of education that in turn helps the world at large and beyond = MOLIAE World.
Ready to Transform Your NFT collection?
Our professional team is here to give your portfolio a one of a kind NFTs collection that hones on the uniqueness of storytelling and inspire the richness of mystery knowledge, healing enrichment, and the betterment of humandkind.